Missouri Seal of Biliteracy

Seal of Biliteracy Status
Approved State Seal
Adoption Date
State Contact(s)

Missouri State Info:

The Missouri Seal of Biliteracy (Missouri Seal) became effective October 2017. This program recognizes high school graduates who have attained a high level of proficiency in speaking, reading, and writing one or more languages in addition to English. The Missouri Seal will be awarded by local school districts in accordance with specified criteria set forth in state policy. A growing number of Missouri businesses and institutions of higher education have formally endorsed the Missouri Seal.

A county office of education, school district, private school or  charter school that participates in this program must complete an initial application the first year of implementation and a renewal application each year afterwards. Once the applications are processed, the state will send an electronic version of the Missouri Seal that can be used on diplomas, transcripts, certificates, ribbons, medals, or any other recognition option the school desires.